When purchasing an item from saascore, you are actually gaining access to the codebase and the license to use that code for your projects. In order to understand our license, please read the following details.
If you have any further questions or are unsure about how the license fits your case, please contact us via
saascore retains ownership of the codebase but grants the usage on the following terms and conditions.
- The License grants you an ongoing, non-exclusive, worldwide license to make use of the code to create an end product.
- You are licensed to use the codebase to create multiple products for yourself or for a single client. The end product can be either free or commercial. Resellers and freelancers may purchase the license on behalf of their clients and charge for their services.
Things you are allowed to do with the codebase:
- You are allowed to create multiple end products of the codebase.
- Sell to one client at a time (a new license is required for each additional client - bulk discounts are available)
Things you are not allowed to do with the codebase:
- Create end products for multiple clients using a single license
- You are not allowed to create a product that sells the codebase itself.
- You are not allowed to redistribute the codebase without the permission of the original author.
- You are not allowed to share your license with any other individuals or companies.